Introduction and Definitions
The Egyptian Health Council: A public service authority with an independent legal personality, established under Law No. (12) of 2022. It operates under the President of the Republic and aims to regulate health sectors in Egypt, focusing on postgraduate education, specialized training, and the advancement of scientific and clinical standards for doctors and professionals in various health fields.
Egyptian Board Certificate: It is a certification granted by the Egyptian Health Council to all graduates of health sector colleges upon successful completion of training programs and standardized examinations for each health specialty. This is an advanced professional certificate focused on documented skills acquisition and the essential knowledge required for practicing in a health specialty. The certificate qualifies holders to practice their specialty with the competence necessary for safe medical and health practice. Additionally, it supports the technical advancement of health team members working in the Ministry of Health and allows for the adjustment of their technical titles within the relevant professional union.
The training program required to obtain the Egyptian Board Certification is both scientific and practical, following an integrated training curriculum designed to equip the trainees with the necessary competence for safe health practice. Each specialty has a minimum training duration as outlined by its specific curriculum. The program aims to increase knowledge, enhance clinical and technical skills, and improve professional behavior, ultimately raising the trainee's standards.
Trainees in the Egyptian Board program conduct their work at hospitals or accredited training centers, in accordance with the technical rights and responsibilities outlined by the relevant scientific council and approved by the Board of Directors. The technical responsibilities of the trainee will increase in proportion to their acquired experience and the duration of their training, reflecting the scientific content of their specialty, as well as other training activities.
Training is provided by trainers (accredited by the Egyptian Health Council) who meet the required standards of accreditation. Trainers are selected based on their qualifications and work under the direct supervision of academic supervisors (university professors or specialists in the field). Training takes place in hospitals or centers accredited by the council and focuses on documented skill acquisition, with a combination of practical, hands-on work, theoretical lectures, workshops, discussions of recent scientific publications, and other training activities.
Each trainee is required to document the practical and scientific activities they undertake, with these records approved by the certified trainer in charge, in accordance with the training plan. Trainees must complete specific numbers of practical skills or activities for their specialty, as determined by the scientific guidelines for each field, and must demonstrate proficiency before being allowed to take the final exam.
The Egyptian Health Council organizes assessments and examination processes to evaluate the academic achievement, skills, experience, and behavior of trainees. Each scientific council for every specialty
establishes evaluation and examination standards that align with the general policy approved by the Board of Directors, incorporating advancements in education and scientific assessment methods.
Evaluation and examination methods encompass a variety of traditional and modern approaches, including written, oral, practical, and clinical examinations, as well as workplace-based assessments. Additionally, examinations may be conducted using computer-based methods and e-learning platforms. The inclusion of Arab and foreign professors and experts is permitted to meet these requirements, in accordance with established guidelines.
Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Egyptian Health Council is established as per Law No. (12) of 2022 and its executive regulations.
Competent Authority: The Chairman of the Board of Directors serves as the Executive President of the Egyptian Health Council.
General Secretariat of the Council: The General Secretariat is led by the Secretary General and operates according to regulations set forth by the CEO of the Egyptian Health Council.
Supreme Scientific Committee of the Egyptian Board: This committee, formed by the Board of Directors, oversees all training activities related to health specializations for obtaining the Egyptian Board certificate.
Scientific Council: The Board of Directors establishes a scientific council for each health specialty within the Egyptian Board, responsible for fulfilling its legal and regulatory roles concerning the training process for trainees seeking the Egyptian Board certificate.
Training program officers:
1. These individuals are approved by the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Health Council as authorized organizers of training for the Egyptian Board, following the scientific curriculum established by the Board.
2. They are responsible for receiving applications for registration in training programs across various health specialties for the Egyptian Board.
3. They coordinate the admission of applicants to the Egyptian Board and distribute them to the training centers approved by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the scientific methods and training map established by the Council.
4. They follow up on and evaluate the trainees to ensure they meet the training requirements, adhering to the scientific methods and training map approved by the Egyptian Health Council.
5. They issue training completion certificates for the Egyptian Board Training, which are necessary for candidates to take the final exam.
Conditions for Accreditation of Training Providers:
Entities wishing to be accredited as training providers must apply. This application must be approved by the Minister of Health and Population for entities affiliated with the Ministry, and by the competent authority for other entities, to obtain accreditation for Egyptian Board training.
1. The application must include a proposal that outlines all financial aspects (revenues and expenditures for training) and administrative procedures.
2. Attached to the application should be a proposal that organizes the training and evaluation process, as well as the methods of distribution and coordination necessary for the trainee to receive a certificate of completion, once approved by the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Health Council.
3. The entity seeking accreditation must also submit a proposal detailing the specializations in which it intends to train. This proposal will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval, and necessary measures must be taken accordingly.
4. Each training entity is required to nominate a director for each approved program, who will be responsible for implementing the program in accordance with the rules established by the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Health Council.
Governing texts: - The law establishing and organizing the Egyptian Health Council, No. (12) of 2022, along with its executive regulations issued by Prime Minister’s Resolution No. (3798) of 2023, relevant laws, and decisions issued by the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Health Council.
Egyptian Board specializations
The Board of Directors approves the specializations of the Egyptian Board, which are divided into health specializations across various fields, including medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physical therapy, veterinary medicine, and nursing. This division is based on presentations from the Supreme Scientific Committee for each of these fields. The type of specialization is determined according to the following sections:
1. General Specializations: These are major specializations that do not require preliminary training in another specialization. Registration is accepted after obtaining a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, successfully completing the internship period, and acquiring a license to practice the profession.
2. Sub-specializations: These require registration after obtaining a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent and successfully completing the internship period. However, they necessitate preliminary training in one of the general specializations.
3. Subspecialties: For these specializations, applicants must have completed postgraduate studies, obtained a board certification, or earned a fellowship in another specialty.
The higher scientific committees for each health field propose specialized training content standards for the Egyptian Board specializations. Additionally, each Egyptian Board specialization has a reference framework for educational and training curricula, which is approved by the Board of Directors.
The Scientific Council establishes a scientific curriculum for each specialization of the Egyptian Board within the reference framework determined by the Egyptian Health Council. These curricula are approved according to the standards set by the Board of Directors. The scientific curriculum must include the following components:
• General and specialized goals for training and education.
• General rules of the program and the ethical standards to be adhered to.
• Rights and duties of trainees.
• Rules for selecting, accepting, and excluding trainees from the program.
• Duration of the program, rotation map, and competencies, skills, and knowledge that trainees must acquire.
• Training methods and tools used for conveying information and skills.
• Rules and methods of evaluation.
• Other requirements set by the Scientific Council to ensure scientific rigor
A new specialization can be created in the Egyptian Board by decision of the Board of Directors, based on a proposal from the Supreme Scientific Committee. The proposal must include:
• Justification for creating the specialty, the expected benefits, and the health sector’s need for it as a separate entity.
• A general framework for the scientific method.
• Proposed standards for accrediting training centers and selecting supervisors and trainers.
• A proposal for forming a scientific council, including supervisors and examiners.
• An initial proposal for qualified training centers, available trainers, and the proposed annual number of trainees.
Accreditation and Quality Assurance
The Board of Directors sets standards for the content of specialized health training, based on recommendations from the competent higher scientific committee. These standards include the following:
• The trainee must acquire the general basic competencies as determined by the Board of Directors.
• During training in each specialty, the trainee must gain the specialized competencies and requirements necessary for safe and effective health practice.
• The content is distributed across training durations, with a gradual escalation in competencies and skills throughout the program.
• These standards are aligned with international methods of professional health education and training.
• The content is periodically updated, or as necessary, to ensure that trainees are exposed to the latest developments in health sciences.
Training takes place in centres approved by the Board of Directors, in line with the mission of the Egyptian Health Council. The Council provides full support—both technical and scientific—to the training centres of all participating entities, whether governmental or private, ensuring that the training is carried out according to approved regulations and curricula.
The accreditation system of the Egyptian Health Council consists of:
1. Institutional Accreditation
For a training centre to be accredited, it must meet the general standards for institutional accreditation. These general standards include:
• Availability of diagnostic and therapeutic services.
• Adequate frequency of disease cases for training purposes.
• Availability of appropriate infrastructure for training.
• Provision of accommodation and meals for trainees, when necessary, including access to training halls, libraries, and housing.
• Implementation of clinical governance, including the establishment of committees or departments responsible for ensuring quality, discussing complications and deaths, and controlling infections. These requirements are based on the general standards model approved by the Board of Directors and proposed by the relevant higher scientific committee.
2. Program Accreditation:
For training centres to be accredited by the Egyptian Board in any health specialty (programmatic accreditation), the following standards must be met:
• The training centre must have already received institutional accreditation.
• The centre must fulfil specialty-specific standards according to the qualification matrix (specific to each health specialty), ensuring that the necessary requirements for training in each specialty are satisfied.
• There must be an adequate frequency of disease cases in each specialty.
• Enough certified trainers and health personnel in both the specialty and supporting specialties must be available.
Relative weights are assigned to each accreditation standard, and the total score determines the training centre’s category and the academic years for which the specialized training is accredited.
This categorization must adhere to the Egyptian Board's accreditation standards model for each health specialty, which is approved by the Board of Directors based on recommendations from the Scientific Council of the specialty and in coordination with the relevant higher scientific committee.
Accreditation, Renewal, and Revocation of Accreditation
First and foremost, the accredited training centre must comply with all decisions and instructions issued by the Egyptian Health Council.
1. Duration: The duration of accreditation is four calendar years. The Egyptian Health Council may conduct periodic visits to monitor the training and compliance with standards at the accredited centre, or as necessary.
2. Renewal: The training centre must apply to renew its accreditation at least six months before its expiration.
3. Suspension: Accreditation may be suspended if the training centre violates any standards. Suspension will last no longer than six months, during which the centre must submit evidence proving that the reasons for suspension have been addressed.
4. Expiration: Accreditation will be suspended if it expires and no application for renewal is submitted within the required timeframe.
5. Withdrawal: Accreditation will be revoked if the training centre fails to submit a renewal application within the specified period, fails to correct the reasons for suspension, or becomes ineligible due to closure or a change in its nature.
General Training Coordinator
The accredited training centre must appoint a general training coordinator from among its employees who are members of the health team. The coordinator must meet the qualifications and experience required by the Egyptian Health Council and will be responsible for communicating with the General Secretariat of the Council. The coordinator's performance will be subject to monitoring and evaluation, as per the Council’s performance evaluation methods and models.
- Job Specifications and Qualifications:
• Knowledge:
- Required academic qualifications: Bachelor's degree in a health specialization.
- Additional academic qualifications: Preference for candidates with additional qualifications (Master’s/Egyptian Fellowship/PhD/Postgraduate studies in administration).
- Training courses: Knowledge of laws and regulations governing the Egyptian Board, training in communication skills, time management, and leadership.
• Work Experience: 2 to 5 years, preferably in a related field.
• Other Requirements:
- Skills: Commitment, efficiency, management capabilities, continuous improvement, and ability to apply educational quality standards.
- Mental and Physical Requirements: Strong communication skills and the ability to work under pressure and collaborate with others.
The accredited training centre is responsible for providing all necessary resources, including human resources, premises, and equipment, to support the coordinator in performing their duties.
The coordinator is required to submit reports and data to the General Secretariat of the Council as needed.
Clinical Supervisor (Program Director)
The accredited training centre must appoint a clinical supervisor for each specialty, chosen from the accredited trainers. The supervisor will be responsible for assigning trainees to trainers, monitoring the trainees' progress in activities and courses, and ensuring trainers complete evaluations of the trainees.
- Job Specifications and Qualifications
• Required academic qualifications: Egyptian Fellowship, Egyptian Board, Doctorate, or equivalent in the field of specialization.
• Additional academic qualifications: Preferably, candidates should have completed a course in Training of Trainers (TOT) and medical education, with additional qualifications in administrative sciences.
• Qualifying training courses: Courses in communication skills, leadership skills, and methods for evaluating learning outcomes.
• Work experience: Preferably certified as a trainer (Egyptian Fellowship/Egyptian Board) in the relevant specialty.
Other Requirements:
• Skills: Commitment, efficiency, ability to apply management principles and link them to trainer management, continuous improvement of quantitative and qualitative efficiency, and ability to apply quality standards.
• Mental and physical requirements: Strong communication skills, ability to handle work pressures, and capacity to collaborate with others.
Certified Trainer:
1. The Board of Directors sets the standards and requirements for accredited trainers, based on the proposal of the Scientific Council for each specialty and in coordination with the relevant higher scientific committee. These standards ensure that trainers have the academic qualifications needed to deliver the required scientific and training content at the accredited training centre. Trainers must also have adequate training to effectively deliver scientific and training materials using modern training methods approved by the Board of Directors. They are responsible for monitoring the practical and scientific activities of trainees and evaluating them according to the scientific method of the specialty.
2. The accredited training centre must provide trainers who meet the accreditation requirements approved by the Board of Directors for each specialty. The General Secretariat of the Council must receive their data, CVs, and verified documents.
3. In the event of a trainer shortage for any reason, the accredited training centre must appoint replacement trainers within a period not exceeding three months. Failure to comply with this requirement is grounds for halting the centre’s accreditation.
Scientific Supervisor:
The higher scientific committees of the Egyptian Health Council nominate scientific supervisors—who meet the Council's requirements—to supervise one or more training centres within a specific geographical area. Each supervisor oversees their health specialty in the following areas:
• Ensuring that training centres comply with standards that guarantee the quality of professional education and clinical training in their specialty. They must also ensure adherence to professional ethical standards that ensure safe health practices.
• Monitoring the commitment of clinical supervisors and certified trainers to their roles, ensuring they meet training requirements according to the scientific method for each specialty, and maintaining adherence to professional ethical standards.
• Ensuring that trainees in their specialty receive the required amount of training according to their level, and are committed to professional conduct, work systems, job tasks, and ethical standards.
Each scientific supervisor must submit a monthly report on their activities to the higher scientific committee in their specialty and provide all related reports and recommendations to the General Secretariat of the Council.
Important Points:
1. The General Secretariat of the Egyptian Health Council conduct’s opinion polls and performance evaluations of those interacting with the Council, including Egyptian Board personnel, to identify strengths and areas for improvement. It also develops proposals for handling complaints, suggestions, and grievances, which are presented to the CEO of the Council for further action.
2. The General Secretariat sets performance measurement indicators based on data from scientific councils, scientific and clinical supervisors, trainers, trainees, relevant committees, training centres, and their coordinators. It also includes results from evaluations, exams, and opinion polls among health team members. These performance indicators and their recommendations are submitted to the CEO for appropriate action.
General Conditions for Joining the Egyptian Board:
A. The training authorities announce the opening of registration for training with the Egyptian Board twice a year. They handle coordination and registration for applicants in the specialties for which they are accredited, in accordance with the coordination rules approved by the Egyptian Health Council.
B. The training authorities must notify the Egyptian Health Council of the results of trainee acceptance to facilitate the Council’s procedures regarding registration.
C. Applicants for admission to the Egyptian Board are required to meet the following conditions:
1. The applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent and have successfully completed the internship period (if applicable).
2. The applicant must have a license to practice the profession in their health specialty.
3. The applicant must have completed the mandatory service period, as required by the relevant regulations.
4. For doctors working at the Ministry of Health and Population, the applicant must be a resident doctor in the specialty and must have spent at least six months in the specialty they are applying for.
5. The applicant must submit evidence that their original employer has approved their application for admission to the Egyptian Board, which will be considered approval for registration and full commitment to the Board.
6. The applicant is not eligible to register for the Egyptian Board if they are enrolled in other postgraduate studies.
7. The trainee cannot register for more than one specialty in the Egyptian Board at the same time.
8. Special conditions for certain specialties within the Egyptian Board will be announced for each admission batch.
9. Applicants holding Egyptian postgraduate or fellowship certificates (or equivalent) may be granted exemption or credit for training periods or years, based on the proposal of the Scientific Council of the specialty. This is contingent upon a review of the training program and the scientific content of the certificate obtained by the trainee, with a final decision issued by the Board of Directors.
Non-Egyptian Applicants:
• Arab and foreign doctors and healthcare professionals, regardless of their native language, are eligible to apply for the Egyptian Board, provided their qualifications are equalized by the Supreme Council of Universities and they obtain the necessary approvals for training and residency in Egypt from the relevant authorities.
Important Notes:
The Egyptian Health Council reserves the right to review and modify procedures carried out by the training authorities to ensure the quality of training and to manage related matters.
The Egyptian Health Council is committed to providing training authorities with updated regulatory decisions related to the training process, ensuring compliance with them.
General Conditions for Coordination with the Egyptian Board:
1. The training authorities will announce the approved training centres that have available positions in the required specialties.
2. Applicants must complete and submit all required documents by the deadline specified in the announcement.
3. Applications will only be accepted from the applicant personally or through an authorized representative.
4. After the application and coordination period ends, the files of applicants accepted into the Egyptian Board will be reviewed. Any incomplete or incorrect file will be excluded, and applicants who do not meet the stated conditions will not be considered.
5. Coordination will be conducted electronically, following the general selection rules established by the competent higher scientific committee (Selection Matrix) and approved by the Board of Directors. Scientific councils for specific specialties may add special conditions, with the approval of the committee, as follows:
I. The applicant’s cumulative GPA from their bachelor’s degree.
II. The governorates where the applicant wishes to train, depending on available positions.
III. Priority will be given to applicants with bachelor’s degrees, followed by those with postgraduate certificates, ranked according to their GPA from their bachelor’s degree.
Grievance Process for Coordination Results:
Applicants to the Egyptian Board have the right to appeal the coordination result within 15 days of the result being announced, under the following conditions:
o The grievance must be submitted in person or through a special power of attorney.
o The grievance must be in writing with reasons provided or submitted via the official website of the training entities, if available.
Steps Followed to Examine Grievances at the Egyptian Board:
1. The grievance holder's file is thoroughly reviewed, including all submitted documents.
2. The data entered the coordination system is checked.
3. If any errors are found in the entered data, they will be corrected, and the applicant’s placement will be adjusted accordingly.
4. In all cases, grievances will be responded to within 15 working days from the date of submission.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Trainee at the Egyptian Board:
The trainee is expected to adhere to the following duties and responsibilities:
1. Attend and actively participate in training and practical activities and follow up on patient files under the supervision of a certified trainer according to the specialty.
2. Attend and successfully complete the basic skills courses required by the training program, as approved by the relevant scientific council.
3. Record the activities performed in the scientific and practical record, as required by the relevant scientific councils and according to the training level. Each activity must be signed by the supervising certified trainer.
4. Conduct scientific research in accordance with the ethics of scientific research.
5. Provide the Council’s General Secretariat with an official email address and personal phone number for communication.
6. Register on the Egyptian Health Council’s trainee platforms and upload all required data and training files.
7. Adhere to the laws and ethical standards of the profession, particularly regarding relationships with colleagues and patients, while maintaining the dignity, confidentiality, and safety of patients.
8. Follow the professional and administrative laws and regulations of the Egyptian Health Council and the accredited training centre where the training is conducted.
Obligations of Accredited Training Centres
Accredited training centres are required to provide an optimal training environment by adhering to the following obligations:
1. Striking a balance between meeting training requirements and delivering healthcare services during working hours and shifts, in accordance with accreditation standards.
2. Offering necessary academic guidance and support, including psychological support when needed.
3. Providing trainees with opportunities to appeal any administrative or professional decisions, including cases of insufficient academic support or disputes related to training and evaluation activities.
4. Establishing a medical error insurance system to protect trainees during their practice.
Rules Governing Training
First: Receiving Training
Once accepted into the program, the applicant must vacate their position with their original employer and begin training at the Egyptian Board's accredited training centre within the specified timeframe.
During enrolment in the training program, the Egyptian Board trainee is considered a delegate for training and will be treated both financially and administratively according to the governing regulations
. The trainee must present a letter confirming their commencement of training from the hospital or training centre to the entity responsible for training. The actual date of starting the training must coincide with the announced start date of the specialty program.
Failure to commence training within 40 days of acceptance will result in the applicant being barred from registering with the Egyptian Board for two years, as this would deny another applicant the opportunity to join the program
Second: Training and Rotation in Training Centres
1. The trainee is required to attend all training courses, theoretical lectures, clinical days, and other activities organized by the relevant scientific councils. The attendance rate for each activity must exceed 75%.
2. The trainee must document all practical and academic activities in the activity booklet (Logbook), whether in paper or electronic form—and have these activities signed off by the certified trainer and approved by the accredited training centre in a timely manner.
3. The trainee is not eligible to take the final exams (Parts Two and Three) unless they have passed the Part One exam and successfully completed the entire training period.
4. The trainee must attend all training activities organized by their assigned coach.
5. The trainee is required to participate in visits by the scientific supervisor to the accredited training centre, where their level of training and adherence to program requirements will be assessed.
6. Upon completion of the training period, the trainee will be formally discharged from the Egyptian Board by the supervising entity. If all training requirements and the scientific curriculum have been successfully completed, the trainee will receive a certificate of training completion and be eligible to take the final Egyptian Board examination
Transfer Requests
1. Transfer Within the Same Governorate
To request a transfer from one training centre to another within the same governorate, the trainee must meet the following criteria:
1. Complete at least 6 months of training at an approved training centre.
2. Provide a valid reason for the transfer request.
3. Submit an activity booklet approved by the certified trainer and the director of the current training centre.
4. Submit an approved statement of vacations and attendance, based on the training centre’s records.
5. Confirm the availability of a training spot at the centre to which the transfer is requested.
6. Pay any outstanding fees or administrative costs.
2. Transfer to Another Governorate
For a transfer request to a training centre in another governorate, the following requirements must be met:
1. Complete at least one year of training from the start date.
2. Submit the activity booklet approved by the certified trainer and the director of the current training centre.
3. Provide an approved statement of vacations and attendance, based on the training centre’s records.
4. Confirm the availability of a training spot at the new centre.
5. Pay any outstanding fees or administrative costs.
Training Freezes, Leaves, and Absence
1. Freezing Training
• The trainee is entitled to freeze their training for a maximum period of one year after completing at least 6 months of training.
• Freezing can be done either once for a full year or twice for shorter periods (minimum of 3 months each).
• The frozen period will be added to the overall training duration, and the trainee’s completion date will be adjusted accordingly.
2. Leaves and Absences
• The trainee must inform the training authority if they plan to take a leave longer than one month and provide a valid reason. The leave period will be replaced by an equivalent training period.
• Failing to notify the authority of extended leave can result in warnings or dismissal from the Egyptian Board.
• If a trainee wishes to withdraw from the program, they may re-register with the Egyptian Board within two years, provided there is a valid reason for withdrawal.
• No refunds will be provided for any training fees paid, as per the general rules.
The following actions are considered violations:
Enrolling in postgraduate studies or other training programs during the Egyptian Board training.
Misconduct or absenteeism from the approved training centre.
Failure to attend activities or comply with the performance evaluation procedures set by the scientific council.
Non-compliance with the decisions and instructions of the Egyptian Health Council or training authorities.
Penalties and Procedures
1. Any alleged violation will be verified through official documents, including investigation results and imposed penalties.
2. A report on the violation will be submitted to the responsible training body for action.
3. If a trainee is found to be registered in another postgraduate or training program, they will be dismissed from the Egyptian Board.
4. In case of behavioural or attendance violations, the following steps will be taken:
o First, a warning of dismissal.
o Second, a final warning of dismissal.
o Third, dismissal from the Egyptian Board.
o Replacement of training periods at the trainee’s expense.
o Extension of training periods, also at the trainee’s expense.
Absence or Discontinuation:
1. Absence or discontinuation of training without an acceptable reason for a period of 15 days (whether consecutive or separate) within a span of three months or less requires a warning.
2. Absence or discontinuation of training without an acceptable reason for a period exceeding 60 days (whether consecutive or separate) within a single training year will result in dismissal from the training program.
3. Delay in commencing training at the training center, or delay in returning from leave or suspension, is considered a discontinuation of training and is subject to the above rules mentioned in the previous points.
4. In all cases, the period of absence or discontinuation noted in the warning is added to the required training duration unless the trainee is dismissed.
5. In cases of violations related to the Scientific Council’s activities, one or more of the following measures will be taken:
a. Compensating training periods at the trainee’s own expense
b. Denial of eligibility to sit for a specified number of examination sessions.
c. Adding training periods at the trainee’s own expense.
d. Dismissal (on technical grounds) from the training program.
Suspension and Dismissal from the Training Program:
A trainee will be dismissed from the training program in the following cases:
1. Violation of the conditions outlined in this framework, being enrolled in other postgraduate studies or training programs when applying to the Egyptian Board, or breaching the commitment regarding not enrolling in other postgraduate studies or training programs during their Egyptian Board enrolment.
2. Receiving a final warning and subsequently committing another violation that also warrants a warning.
3. Failing to return to training within 40 days from the end of their leave or suspension from the Egyptian Board.
4. Failing to commence training at the designated training centre within 40 days from the date of their transfer to the centre.
5. Not passing the first-part examination (if applicable) within the number of attempts allowed for the trainee.
6. Issuance of a judicial ruling against the trainee that suspends their license to practice the profession or any final court ruling that restricts their freedom.
7. Suffering from an illness or condition that hinders them from practicing the profession.
Dismissal from the Training Program
A trainee may be dismissed from the program for the following reasons:
1. Violating the framework’s requirements, such as being enrolled in other postgraduate studies.
2. Receiving a final warning and committing further violations.
3. Failing to return to training within 40 days after a leave or freeze.
4. Not starting training within 40 days after transferring to a new centre.
5. Failing to pass the first part of the exam within the permitted number of attempts.
6. Receiving a judicial ruling suspending or restricting their ability to practice dentistry.
7. Suffering from a condition or illness that prevents them from practicing dentistry.
Additional Important Point
• Training periods conducted outside Egypt will not be recognized unless there is an agreement between the Egyptian Health Council and the relevant training bodies, or if approved by the Board of Directors based on the recommendation of the higher scientific committee and council
Exams and evaluations
Training at the Egyptian Board aims to ensure the capabilities, skills, and competencies of trainees, as well as their proper clinical practices, both as independent specialists and as members of the medical workforce inside and outside Egypt. This is achieved through various assessment methods, which include a set of written, practical, oral, clinical examinations, and personal interviews that trainees complete throughout the training program and at its conclusion.
General Principles for Egyptian Board Exams:
All scientific councils associated with the Egyptian Board adhere to the following rules when designing and preparing examinations (written, practical, and clinical):
1. Exam questions of all types are based on the scientific principles of the specialty.
2. Questions measure a range of knowledge, skills, and competencies specified in the curriculum. These include:
Practical skills and patient care
Medical knowledge
Interpersonal communication skills
Practice-based learning and improvement
System-based practice skills
3. The questions are appropriate for the corresponding training stage during which the exam is administered.
4. Questions are developed based on a specific, phased, and balanced assessment blueprint exam matrix, ensuring that all topics, skills, and competencies required for study are covered across different exam levels (Part One, Part Two, Part Three).
Examinations Prescribed by the Egyptian Board
1. First Part Exam:
Objectives of the First Part Exam:
The primary objective of the first part exam is to assess the level of basic information and skills related to the specialization, as outlined in the scientific curriculum and the Assessment Blueprint exam matrix.
Date of the First Part Exam:
The first part exam is held twice a year, in March and August. However, the exam date may change in the event of emergencies or unforeseen circumstances. The exam date will be announced at least one month in advance on the official website of the Egyptian Health Council.
Conditions for Entering the First Part Exam:
Trainees may sit for the first part exam three months after starting their training at the Egyptian Board, provided they pay the required exam fees by the specified date. Additionally, they must complete and submit the following:
1. A TOEFL test certificate accredited by the body recommended by the Supreme Scientific Committee, with a total score of 500 or higher.
2. A certificate of success in the ICDL Standard Level computer skills exam from an accredited body recommended by the competent higher scientific committee.
Exemption from Parts of the Exam:
Doctors holding a Master’s, Doctorate, MD, or Arab Board certification in the same specialty may be exempted from the first part exam. The scientific councils of the specialization may propose exemptions based on training periods that align with the Egyptian Board program in terms of duration and content, subject to the approval of the competent higher scientific committee and the Board of Directors. The application for registration in the Egyptian Board must be submitted within five years from the date of obtaining the relevant certificate. This certificate must be issued by recognized universities or bodies and include a systematic training program as a requirement for obtaining it.
In all cases, the duration of training accreditation for master’s degree holders does not exceed two years. Those holding a master’s degree in a subspecialty are required to pass the first part exam in the general specialty and successfully complete the training period.
First Part Exam System:
• The first part exam is primarily a written exam consisting of multiple-choice questions (MCQs).
• Scientific councils may modify the examination system if the nature of the specialization requires it, as clarified by the scientific method, following approval from the Supreme Scientific Committee and the Board of Directors.
• The exam may also be conducted digitally in one of the approved computer labs, based on the Supreme Scientific Committee’s proposal and in coordination with the General Secretariat of the Council. It must be administered online via the electronic examination platform of the Egyptian Health Council.
• Scientific councils may allocate part of the exam to an oral, practical, or clinical examination, provided it is objective and aligned with the objectives of the scientific method, clearly documented in the curriculum, and approved by the Supreme Scientific Committee and the Board of Directors.
• Each scientific council sets the examination description, which includes the exam duration, the number of questions, the components of the exam papers, and adherence to international standards. Changes to the exam description can only be made after notifying the Supreme Scientific Committee and based on psychometric analysis and reliability and validity indices. Trainees will be notified of any changes, which will take effect following the issuance of the decision.
• Trainees are permitted to attempt the first part exam a maximum of six times. The count begins from the date of the first opportunity. If a trainee fails to take the exam once, it will only be counted if there is an acceptable, compelling reason. In the event of repeated failures, the trainee will be dismissed from the training program
2. The Second Part (Written) Exam:
Objectives of the Second Part Exam:
The objective of the second part exam is to evaluate the level of theoretical knowledge, analytical skills, practical competencies, and professional development necessary for working as a specialist in the relevant field. This knowledge and skill set is defined in the scientific method and is acquired by the trainee during the Egyptian Board program.
Date of the Second Part Exam:
The second part exam is held twice a year, in April and September. The exam date may be changed in the event of emergencies or unforeseen circumstances. The specific date will be announced at least one month prior to the exam on the official website of the Egyptian Health Council.
Conditions for Entering the Second Part Exam:
To be eligible for the second part exam, trainees must meet the following conditions:
• Successful completion of the first part exam or receipt of an exemption decision.
• Obtain a certificate of completion of training from the responsible training entity or approval of the training duration from the Egyptian Health Council. For trainees from outside accredited training bodies, approval from the Egyptian Health Council is also required.
• Submission of a training logbook that has been completed and approved by the designated trainer and the training centre. This logbook must be submitted for final review by the scientific council of the specialty at least three months before the exam.
• Attendance at a personal interview as determined by the scientific council upon notification of the date.
• Presentation of certificates for passing Foundation Courses for all specializations and Mandatory Courses according to specialization requirements.
• The annual proficiency report must indicate that the trainee has reached the necessary level to take the exam.
• Payment of the prescribed exam fees by the announced date, prior to the exam.
Part Two Exam System:
• The second part exam consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) as determined by the scientific council for the specialization. This council specifies the number of exam papers, the duration for each paper, and the overall examination days. The examination system may be modified by the scientific council if required by the nature of the specialization, following approval from the Supreme Scientific Committee and the Board of Directors.
• The exam will cover clinical aspects and applied basic sciences related to the specialty, as well as any skills and knowledge required in the scientific method. These will be assessed through written questions outlined in the Blueprint Assessment exam matrix.
The number of attempts allowed for the first part of the exam is limited to eight, and for the second part, six. The counting of these attempts begins from the date of the trainee's first eligible attempt. Failure to take the exam at any given time will be counted as an attempt unless a compelling and acceptable excuse is provided. If all the allotted attempts are exhausted without success, the trainee will be dismissed from the training program
General Instructions Regarding Written Exams for the Egyptian Board:
Location of the Written Exam:
• Written exams (Parts One and Two) will be held in any designated exam centers or training halls approved by the General Secretariat, in coordination with the Supreme Scientific Committee and after notifying the relevant authorities.
• The exam may also be conducted digitally in approved computer labs or online via the electronic examination platform of the Egyptian Health Council.
Procedures for Entering the Written Examination Hall:
• Attendance at the exam will be recorded at the exam location. Trainees must bring their ID card or passport, along with their Egyptian Board card.
• The Egyptian Board card must be always displayed during the exam.
• Trainees are required to follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the invigilators, examiners, and administrative staff of the General Secretariat regarding exam protocols.
• Each trainee will have a designated seat, which will be indicated on the Egyptian Board, and must sit in their assigned location.
• Mobile phones, tablets, smartwatches, and similar devices are not permitted in the examination hall.
Instructions Regarding the Written Exam:
• Trainees must arrive at least 15 minutes before the exam starts.
• Entry to the examination hall will not be permitted if a trainee arrives more than 15 minutes late.
• Latecomers will not be given additional time, and the exam will conclude at the scheduled end time.
• Leaving the examination hall before half of the allotted time has passed is not permitted.
• If a trainee must leave before the exam concludes, they must do so quietly to avoid disturbing others.
• The remaining time will be announced after half of the exam duration and 15 minutes before the end of the exam.
• No one will be allowed to leave the examination hall during the last 10 minutes of the exam.
3. Part Three Exam (Oral, Practical, and Clinical):
Objectives of the Third Part Exam:
The third part exam aims to assess the following:
• The trainee’s ability to practice dentistry as a specialist in their field and provide consultations to other members of the medical team regarding cases related to their specialty.
• The trainee’s knowledge and competencies regarding the functional and pathological mechanisms necessary for diagnosing and treating clinical cases.
• The trainee’s proficiency in clinical and practical skills specific to their specialization.
• The trainee’s ability to request and interpret diagnostic tests (laboratory, imaging, pathology, endoscopic) to effectively understand and treat clinical cases, as well as monitor the development of patients’ conditions.
• The Scientific Council of each specialty may establish additional goals based on the specific needs of the specialization, which will be clarified in the scientific method of the specialization.
Exam Date:
The third part exam is held annually in December or January. It may be conducted twice a year depending on the number of applicants, the approval of the Scientific Council, and coordination with the competent scientific committee. The exam date may change due to emergencies or unforeseen circumstances, and the new date will be announced at least one month before the exam on the official website of the Egyptian Health Council.
Conditions for Entering the Third Part Exam:
To be eligible for the third part exam, candidates must meet the following conditions:
• Successful completion of the second part (written) exam in the same specialty.
• Payment of the scheduled exam fees by the specified date, as announced.
Third Part Exam System:
• The final clinical examination will be developed by the scientific councils for the specializations, which will create the exam plan and description while adhering to applicable international standards. Changes to the exam will be communicated to the Supreme Scientific Committee, based on an analytical review of the exam and its credibility and validity indicators. Trainees will be informed of any changes after the exam, which will take effect in the next exam cycle.
• The third part exam will consist of objective clinical stations, including Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) stations, Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) slides, or data OSCEs. Other exam formats, such as oral examinations and short and long cases, may be integrated as deemed appropriate.
• Scientific councils have the discretion to employ any methods they consider suitable for their specialty, provided that these methods receive approval from the relevant higher scientific committee.
Location of the Third Part Exam:
• Clinical and practical examinations will be conducted in hospitals, training centers, examination centers at universities, Ministry of Health and Population units, and major health institutions in Egypt, or in locations deemed appropriate by the Egyptian Health Council. This ensures that the examination center’s capabilities align with the requirements of the exam.
• The date and location of the exam will be announced at least one month in advance on the official website of the Egyptian Health Council.
Number of Days for the Clinical Exam:
The duration of this exam varies from two to four days for each trainee, depending on the exam components or as deemed appropriate by the relevant scientific council in coordination with the higher scientific committee.
Important Instructions:
• Trainees must arrive at least 30 minutes before the exam for registration and to attend the introductory session with the supervising professor.
• Candidates must bring their national ID card or passport and their Egyptian Board card, which should be worn throughout the exam.
• Electronic devices are not allowed in the exam, and mobile phones must be turned off and left outside the examination area.
• Trainees are expected to treat all patients and the exam organizing team with respect and appreciation.
• All participants in the examination must adhere to infection prevention and control procedures during the exam and while transitioning between clinical cases.
General Rules for Arbitration and Calculating the Passing Score
for the Egyptian Board Exams:
Written Exams
• The passing grade for written examinations is calculated using standardized criteria, which include the following methods:
1. Angoff Method
2. Modified Angoff Method
3. Hofstee Method
• The Scientific Council may request the use of any other reliable method with the approval of the competent higher scientific committee.
Clinical and Oral Examinations
1. The Scientific Council for each specialty determines the number of cases, committees, or stations in which the trainee must succeed, whether individually or collectively.
2. Each Scientific Council defines the marking form used by examiners in each committee.
3. The Borderline Regression Method is employed to calculate the passing grade for clinical, oral, and practical examinations.
- The Scientific Council can also request the use of other reliable methods, with the approval of the Supreme Scientific Committee, when the number of students exceeds ten.
- If the number of students is ten or fewer, the passing grade is set at 60%.
- No exam results will be approved until the psychometric analysis study for the exam has been completed.
- The Scientific Council for Specialization must provide a detailed report on the exam, including the analytical study results, actions taken, and further plans for improvements to enhance the quality of the exam and its validity and reliability.
Creation of a Question Bank
Each scientific council is responsible for establishing a bank of written and clinical questions, while regularly notifying the Supreme Scientific Committee about the number of available questions and any additions made.
Trainees have the right to appeal the results of all three parts of the exams according to the following regulations:
1. The trainee must file the grievance in person or through an authorized representative with an official power of attorney to interact with the Egyptian Health Council.
2. The grievance must be submitted in writing to the General Secretariat of the Egyptian Health Council or online.
3. Grievances must be filed within fifteen days from the announcement of the results.
4. Only the grades will be re-evaluated; the marking or evaluation process will not be repeated.
5. Grievances must be submitted using the designated paper or digital form; those submitted in other formats will not be considered.
Steps to Examine Grievances
1. The grades received by the trainee in all examination papers or committees will be reviewed by the competent examination administration, with the President of the Scientific Council or their authorized representative present.
2. If the result is verified as identical, the trainee will be informed.
3. If discrepancies are found, a report will be written, and the head of the Scientific Council for the Specialization will be notified to repeat the review process in the presence of a member of the Scientific Council. If the trainee’s grades differ from the announced grades, a report signed by the President of the Scientific Council will be submitted to the General Secretariat. The trainee will be informed of the outcome of the grievance examination, and the grades will be re-evaluated accordingly.
4. The response to grievances must be completed within twenty-one working days from the date of submission.
Confidentiality of Exams
1. Written and practical exams are confidential and protected by copyright, subject to non-disclosure requirements that must be respected by all.
2. At the end of the exam, all trainees must submit their answer sheets and question papers, with their names and Egyptian Board numbers written in the designated areas.
3. A trainee's exam will be considered invalid if they do not submit the question papers along with the answer sheets, including their full name and Egyptian Board number.
4. An exam will also be deemed invalid if the trainee attempts to photograph any exam papers or write questions on external papers.
Policy on Student Behavior in Exams
One of the Egyptian Health Council's priorities is to maintain the integrity and fairness of the Egyptian Board examinations. It is essential that trainees’ performance is evaluated based on their scientific and professional abilities acquired during the training period. Therefore, the following rules have been established to govern examination conduct and maintain professional behavior among trainees. By taking the exam, candidates implicitly agree to fully comply with these rules.
Definition of Inappropriate Behavior During Exams:
Inappropriate behavior during exams includes, but is not limited to, the following actions:
1. Smoking during the exam.
2. Having any electronic device in possession or using it during the exam (except for a simple calculator).
3. Continuing to write or failing to submit the exam paper after the specified exam time has ended.
4. Violating the instructions of invigilators and examiners, including writing on the exam paper in the printed instructions or in prohibited areas of the answer booklet.
5. Using unauthorized materials, such as notes, papers, notebooks, dictionaries, or any other resources, during the exam.
6. Attempting to copy, record, or photograph exam questions or cases in any manner.
7. Publishing exam content in any form, including posting exam details online.
8. Taking exam questions outside the examination hall.
9. Trying to view the answers of any other trainee.
10. Allowing another trainee to copy answers.
11. Communicating with other trainees during the exam.
12. Failing to adhere to the instructions of observers and examiners.
13. Engaging in any action that could verbally or physically harm other examinees or observers.
14. Participating in any disruptive or harmful behavior during the exam.
15. Forging the Egyptian Board card or the trainee’s ID card.
16. Impersonating another trainee.
17. Obtaining exam content prior to the examination.
18. Attempting to falsify the exam results.
19. Any other form of cheating, deception, or behavior that could provide an unfair advantage to any trainee.
Not allowed Electronic Devices Include:
• Mobile phones of all types
• Recording equipment
• Cameras and video cameras
• Laptops and tablets
• Smartwatches
• Any other electronic devices that store, display, or disseminate information.
Any observer or examinee who witnesses the trainee exhibiting any of the behaviours must immediately stop the trainee and prevent them from completing the exam, following the guidelines and procedures outlined below.
Procedures for Dealing with Inappropriate Behavior During Exams:
1. Incident Reporting: An incident report form must be completed and signed by the invigilator or examiner present during the incident, then submitted to the relevant examinations department.
2. Confiscation of Unauthorized Materials: Any unauthorized materials or devices will be confiscated and included with the written report to the committee responsible for managing the exam process. Trainees will be allowed to retrieve confiscated electronic devices after presenting them to the exam committee for necessary measures on the same day of the exam.
3. Cancellation of Exam: If a trainee engages in misconduct, their exam will be canceled, and they will be required to leave the exam committee.
4. Exclusion Period: In certain cases, as determined by the competent scientific council, the trainee may be prohibited from taking future exams for a period ranging from one to two years.
5. Legal Action: If a trainee commits actions described in clauses 13, 14, or 15 above, necessary legal measures will be taken, and law enforcement will be notified to proceed accordingly.
6. Invalidation of Exam: A trainee’s exam will be considered void if they do not submit the question papers along with their answer sheets, including their full name and Egyptian Board number written on them.
Scientific councils
General Regulations:
1. Formation of Scientific Councils:
Each specialty within the Egyptian Board is governed by a scientific council, established by a decision from the Board of Directors.
The Secretary-General of the Egyptian Health Council submits a proposal to form these councils to the Board of Directors after coordination and nomination by the Supreme Scientific Committee and the CEO of the Council.
2. Responsibilities:
Scientific councils oversee academic affairs related to their programs, serving as the primary reference for program accreditation, the preparation and development of training programs, and the implementation of examinations.
Each scientific council is required to submit periodic reports to the Supreme Scientific Committee, which are then prepared for approval by the Board of Directors and provided to the General Secretariat.
3. Meeting Frequency:
The scientific council convenes at least once a month, and the minutes of these meetings, along with recommendations, are submitted to the General Secretariat for necessary action.
4. Membership Duration:
Membership on the scientific council lasts four years, renewable by a decision from the Board of Directors based on the Secretary-General's proposal and in coordination with the Supreme Scientific Committee.
The positions of Chairman of the Scientific Council and officials in training and examination may not be held for more than two consecutive terms.
The General Secretariat, in coordination with the Supreme Scientific Committee, may recommend amendments to the council's composition during the term, which must be submitted for Board of Directors approval.
Formation of the Scientific Council
1. Composition:
The Scientific Council consists of 11 to 15 members.
The Supreme Scientific Committee evaluates the CVs of candidates submitted by relevant scientific authorities (e.g., universities, police, army, Ministry of Health) and presents them to the General Secretariat for Board of Directors approval.
2. Membership Requirements:
Candidates must:
Be a practitioner in the specialty.
Hold a doctorate in the specialty and have at least ten years of experience or possess a fellowship/Egyptian Board in the specialty and have ten years of experience. This requirement may be waived for new or rare specializations.
Have practical experience in medical education.
Commit to attending scientific council meetings.
The council should include faculty members from various universities and consultants from entities affiliated with the Ministry of Health, Armed Forces, and Ministry of Interior, ensuring geographical representation.
Membership in multiple scientific councils is not permitted.
3. Leadership:
The Chairman of the Scientific Council is elected from among its members and can be re-elected for only one additional term.
The examination official, chosen from the council members, collaborates with the Chairman to develop examinations and manage the question bank.
A training official is also selected from the members to oversee the implementation of the training program.
A quality officer is appointed to ensure adherence to quality standards.
The Chairman must have previously served at least four years on the Scientific Council, except in the case of newly formed councils.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Chairman of the Scientific Council
1. Agenda Preparation: Prepare the agenda for and chair the Scientific Council meetings.
2. Representation: Serve as the representative of the Scientific Council to the Supreme Scientific Committee, General Secretariat, and the Board of Directors.
3. Task Management: Monitor the council’s progress in achieving its assigned tasks and objectives.
4. Examination Approval: Approve examination results and submit them to the General Secretariat for presentation to the Board of Directors for final approval.
5. Selection of Examinees: Select candidates for the final practical exam.
6. Examination Oversight: Collaborate with the examination official to ensure the smooth conduct of examinations.
7. Member Participation: Facilitate the involvement of all council members in its activities.
8. Training Program Oversight: Coordinate with the training official to follow up on the training program's implementation.
Duties of the Scientific Council:
1. Training:
I. Annual Planning:
Develop the annual plan for the activities of the Scientific Council and submit it to the Supreme Scientific Committee/General Secretariat.
II. Trainee Rights and Duties:
Propose the rights and technical duties of trainees at the Egyptian Board while working in hospitals or accredited training centers, preparing these proposals for presentation to the Supreme Scientific Committee for Board of Directors approval.
III. Curriculum Development:
Develop and update the scientific content of curricula and training programs, ensuring these curricula are integrated and competency-based (Integrated Competency & EPA-based Curricula).
IV. Supervision of Training Centers:
Participate in supervising accredited training centers and the training process, utilizing external supervisors as needed, with prior notification to the General Secretariat.
V. Curriculum Implementation:
Oversee the implementation of scientific and training programs for the specialization.
VI. Training Activity Evaluation:
Periodically discuss training activities and propose improvements.
VII. Program Accreditation Standards:
Establish and update the standards and requirements for training programs as part of the accreditation process.
VIII. E-Learning Support:
Promote and support the application of e-learning and distance education methods.
IX. Training Course Organization:
Organize training courses for trainers and trainees.
X. Trainee Progress Monitoring:
Follow up on the progress and performance of trainees through evaluation forms, feedback, activity logs, interviews, and inspection visits.
2. Training Centers:
I. Accreditation Matrix Proposal:
Propose a programmatic accreditation matrix for the specialization, utilizing scientific methodologies to achieve desired outcomes.
II. Accreditation Requests Study:
Assess requests for program accreditation from training centers based on established criteria.
3. Exams
I. Examination Systems Proposal:
Propose examination systems and develop or update examination descriptions.
II. Examinee List Preparation:
Prepare a list of the names of examinees for upcoming examinations.
III. Results Analysis:
Analyze psychometric results of exams and implement necessary corrective measures.
IV. Exam Reporting:
Submit detailed reports on each exam to the Supreme Scientific Committee/General Secretariat for appropriate action.
V. Methodology Review:
Periodically review and update examination methods and methodologies in line with international standards.
VI. Exam Preparation and Correction:
Prepare all parts of the exams and correct those that require this.
VII. Exam Participation:
Participate in clinical, practical, and oral examinations as required.
4. Training Accreditation
I. Professional Certificates Study:
Examine professional certificates and training programs from both domestic and international sources, proposing the required periods, content, and exams necessary to obtain the Egyptian Board certificate. Submit these proposals to the Supreme Scientific Committee/General Secretariat for the necessary measures and Board of Directors approval.
5. Other Tasks
I. Scientific Research Evaluation:
Evaluate trainees’ scientific research contributions, if any.
II. Follow-up Committee Assignment:
The Scientific Council may assign a follow-up (audit) committee from its members or external members to perform the duties of the scientific supervisor in their absence, with notification to the Supreme Scientific Committee/General Secretariat.
III. Additional Responsibilities:
Undertake any other tasks assigned by the Board of Directors or the Supreme Scientific Committee/General Secretariat.
Final provisions
Interpretation Authority:
The competent higher scientific committee holds the authority to interpret any ambiguous clauses within this framework and will take the necessary measures regarding such interpretations.
Compliance Responsibility:
The General Secretariat of the Egyptian Health Council must consistently strive to conduct its work in accordance with the provisions of this framework and implement the decisions regulating it.
Formation of Subcommittees:
The Board of Directors shall form one or more competent subcommittees, emanating from the Supreme Scientific Committee, to consider requests related to the application of the rules and provisions mentioned in this framework. These requests will be presented to the appropriate authority (Board of Directors, Supreme Scientific Committee, or General Secretariat) for further action on the recommendations or decisions issued.
Fee Structure:
The fees mentioned in Article No. (38) of the Prime Minister’s Decision No. (3798) of 2023, which issues the executive regulations for the law establishing and organizing the Egyptian Health Council under Law No. (12) of 2022, shall be adhered to. Unless specified otherwise in the decision, administrative expenses will be determined as outlined in the attached table. This will be in exchange for the services required by the Egyptian Board, as decided by the Board of Directors after completing the established procedures.
Amendments to the Framework:
The Board of Directors may amend items contained in this framework or add new items as needed, based on recommendations proposed by the General Secretariat and after coordination with the Supreme Scientific Committee. Such amendments or additions must be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval and subsequently published on the official website of the Egyptian Health Council.
Publication of the Framework:
This framework will be published on the official website of the Egyptian Health Council for public information and compliance with its provisions.
Fee Tables:
Required Administrative Fees
Service Description | Fee | |
| Egyptian Trainee | Foreign Trainee |
Request to Review and Approve on Activity Logbook | 500 EGP | 4,000 EGP |
Verification of Certificate Issuance for External Entities | 500 EGP | 4,000 EGP |
Issuance of Temporary Certificate | 200 EGP | 4,000 EGP |
Issuance of Final Certificate | 400 EGP | 10,000 EGP |
Exam Result Appeal Request | 200 EGP | 1,000 EGP |
Application for Trainer Accreditation in the Egyptian Board | 1,000 EGP | --------- |
Table of Fees Attached to the Executive Regulations
First: Fees for Accreditation and Licensing of Health Training Facilities:
Type of Fee | Fee |
Accreditation and licensing of health training facilities for Egyptian Board training (institutional accreditation according to general training standards) for universities and government entities. | 6,000 EGP |
Accreditation and licensing of health training facilities for Egyptian Board training (institutional accreditation according to general training standards) for national universities and non-profit civil society organizations. | 8,000 EGP |
Accreditation and licensing of health training facilities for Egyptian Board training (institutional accreditation according to general training standards) for private universities and entities. | 30,000 EGP |
Accreditation and licensing of health training facilities for Egyptian Board training (accreditation of a single specialty training program according to specific standards for each specialty) for universities and government entities. | 3,000 EGP |
Accreditation and licensing of health training facilities for Egyptian Board training (accreditation of a single specialty training program according to specific standards for each specialty) for national universities and non-profit civil society organizations. | 5,000 EGP |
Accreditation and licensing of health training facilities for Egyptian Board training (accreditation of a single specialty training program according to specific standards for each specialty) for private universities and entities. | 20,000 EGP |
Second: Fees for Supervisor Accreditation:
Type of Fee | Fee Amount |
Accreditation of supervisors | 1,000 EGP |
Third: Fees for the Egyptian Board Exam and Certification:
Type of Fee | Fee Category for Non-Egyptians | Fee Category for Egyptians |
Taking the Egyptian Board theoretical exam for the first time (any part) | 6,000 EGP | 1,500 EGP |
Retaking the Egyptian Board theoretical exam for the first time (any part) | 8,000 EGP | 3,000 EGP |
Retaking the Egyptian Board theoretical exam for the second time (any part) | 10,000 EGP | 6,000 EGP |
Retaking the Egyptian Board theoretical exam for the third time or any subsequent attempts (any part) | 12,000 EGP | 8,000 EGP |
Taking the Egyptian Board clinical exam for the first time | 10,000 EGP | 4,000 EGP |
Retaking the Egyptian Board clinical exam for the first time (any part) | 12,000 EGP | 6,000 EGP |
Retaking the Egyptian Board clinical exam for the second time (any part) | 14,000 EGP | 7,000 EGP |
Retaking the Egyptian Board clinical exam for the third time or any subsequent attempts (any part) | 16,000 EGP | 9,000 EGP |